Emotional Freedom Technique for grief and loss.

Emotional Freedom Technique for grief and loss.

EFT Tapping through Grief and trauma. If you have never heard of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and are struggling with your emotions as a result of a significant loss in your life, I would urge you to learn about the benefits of EFT, tapping as it is known. I have...

How to overcome a fear of death

Just as people have a fear of spiders, enclosed spaces, heights and numerous others, a fear of death is a very real phobia that causes huge anxiety for those who live with this fear.  The label; Thanatophobia,  the definition; abnormal or persistent fear of one’s own...
Grief Quotes

Grief Quotes

Sometimes just reading grief quotes that have been written by those who have gone through a loss can help us understand that the pain associated with grief is universal. Below are a list of grief quotes, I hope you find them of some comfort in your grief. Grieve but...

Grief depression

YOU DO NOT HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS, YOU ARE GRIEVING! We find a place for what we lose. Although we know that after such a loss the acute stage of mourning will subside, we also know that a part of us shall remain inconsolable and never find a substitute. No...
Bereavement Advice

Bereavement Advice

Offering bereavement advice to anyone who is grieving is  difficult for many reasons, unless you are a trained grief coach, counsellor I would recommend giving the person a hug and simply providing a listening ear. Most people understand that their are no words at...
Bereavement Advice

The 3i’s; The ignorant, the insensitive and the idiot

What to say to a grieving person For most people, attending a visitation and Funeral is difficult, and whilst each funeral is different, i.e. some are more devastating as a result of the circumstances surrounding the death, whatever the circumstances and age of the...